Hospital Yoga

Hospital Yoga

* Peace, Love & Magic Experience *

 Engaging in play, a child can learn happy and healthy tools to help them release their emotions and find their center, so they can be strong and resilient during hospital treatments and stays.  This experience is filled with yoga, music, art, storytelling, guided imagery, meditation and breathing techniques  Learning to relax while stilling thoughts can help children nurture themselves while combating challenging treatments in hospital settings. Lessons are woven of a unique fabric…the fabric made of the joy and love of a child connecting with discovering the hero inside of themselves….the hero that brings them confidence, courage and focus to conquer medical challenges. Doctors, nurses and staff will be encouraged to come and join their patients on this beautiful journey to show support and to connect to these young heroes that are discovering their capes and learning to fly during this time in their lives. Experiences are custom made for each child based on people, animals, music and stories that they love.